Sunday, May 20, 2018

12 Interesting Uses For Ice That Will Surprise You

Ice cubes are not just for keeping your drinks cool on a hot summers day. In fact they come in very useful for all kinds of odd things, some you may have heard of and some you might not.

It's a hot summers day and you are sweltering, you have the fan turned up as high as it will go but it's still to hot. Try emptying your portable ice maker into a bowl and put it in front of the fan - it instantly acts like an air conditioner.

Ice is good for swollen joints, whether it be a knee, ankle, wrist or elbow. Just put some ice cubes in a zip lock bag, wrap in a cloth and place it on the swollen joint - this will help keep the swelling down.

Ever had a problem trying to water a hard to reach plant and spilled the water everywhere? Just take a cup or two of ice cubes and place them in the pot, as they melt they will water the plant for you.

Your child has a splinter and it's in quite deep, ice can help make removal a lot less painful. Just place a few cubes from your ice machine in a face cloth and place on the splinter for a few minutes to numb it, then remove.

When cooking, ice comes in helpful quite often, when reheating rice for instance just add an ice cube this will help keep the rice from drying out and keep it moist.

If your childs soup is too hot for them to eat, add an ice cube that will cool it down in a hurry. This simple idea also works for hot drinks.

Who would of thought a portable ice maker could have so many uses. Making soup, stew or gravy? Drop in an ice cube when you are finished, the ice with solidify the fat making it easy to remove.

How about gum on clothing or on your carpet? This is not easy to remove but ice can help. Just place ice in a plastic bag and place on the gum, this makes the gum hard and easier to remove.

Ever got medicine from the Doctor but it's so vile you just can't take it? Numb your taste buds with an ice cube! This little trick makes the medicine go down much better.

Does your kitchen sink have a garbage disposal unit? Help keep it clean and the blades sharp at the same time! Just throw several ice cubes into it and turn it on for a few minutes - this works quite well.

Have a pet? When it's boiling hot outside add several ice cubes to your pets water, it will keep it cooler longer and your pet will appreciate the cool drink.

Didn't get much sleep last night? Are your eyes swollen and achy? Everyone's heard of putting a cucumber slice on their eyes, but did you know a few cubes in a soft cloth will work just as well.

So next time you reach for a few cubes from your portable ice maker to cool your drink off, just remember the humble ice cube has multiple uses that may come in handy for you one day.

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